
After No Side Effect Of Covaxin, Liberal Bangs His Head On A Wall To Have Dizziness Reveals CCTV Footage

After No Side Effect Of Covaxin, Liberal Bangs His Head On A Wall To Have Dizziness Reveals CCTV Footage
  • PublishedJanuary 18, 2021

India launched the world’s largest vaccine drive with its indigenous vaccines covaxin and covishield and on the first day itself more than 1.9 lac people were vaccinated, Reportedly, no major side effects were observed in these people except in one case where a 29-year-old man reported severe dizziness.

Upon a thorough checkup, the doctor said that the dizziness is certainly not because of the vaccine dose but due to some other issue that needs to be investigated. Considering it a very sensitive issue, the hospital staff did a thorough investigation and CCTV footage revealed that the man had banged his head on a glass window.

Later, the man who identifies himself as liberal accepted that he banged his head to have dizziness like symptom and can complain about the side effects of the Indian vaccine.

On further questioning the man revealed that he was scared of getting his liberal credentials cancelled if he couldn’t find a way to blame the fascist govt on corona Vaccine when all elite liberals were doing the same.

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