“I Wanted To Outdo Rajiv” Emilia Clarke Explains Daenerys’s Shocking Game of Thrones Massacre

Queen Daenerys Targaryen turned to full-on Mad Queen mode in the fifth episode of Game of Thrones and burnt down King’s Landing to ashes despite Cersei showing the white flag (umm ringing the bells). Fans who were cheering on Daenerys to burn down Kings Landing all throughout the past seasons were taken aback by the mercilessness of the Dragon Queen.
“It was her own people. They did not deserve to die. In her path of vengeance, she has taken the lives of the innocent. So much for being the ‘Breaker of Chains’!” said a displeased Game of Thrones fan.
Now, the Khaleesi herself i.e. Emilia Clarke had to come out and speak about the episode and Daenerys’ sudden turn of character.
“I had a certain bar to crack. A certain set record to break. The show makers wanted the deadliest massacre ever. I wanted to outdo the one by Rajiv Gandhi in 1984. It had to be done because the story demanded it!” explained Emilia.
In 1984, Rajiv Gandhi, the then Prime Minister of India had mercilessly massacred thousands of Sikhs only to seek revenge for his mother Indira Gandhi’s assassination by her Sikh bodyguard. similarly, in the fifth episode of Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen set out to seek revenge from Cersei, the murderer of her dragon and her handmaiden Missandei but ends up killing thousands of innocents.
Currently, it is not clear whether Daenerys Targaryen’s lunacy just like Rajiv Gandhi’s will be pinned on her advisors too. Are Tyrion Lannister the Hand of the Queen and poor Jon Snow, the Warden of the North, are going to be the next Jagdish Tytler and Kamal Nath? The final episode of Game of Thrones will hold answers to that.