On Friday, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud ordered the Delhi Police to file an FIR on the basis of the complaints lodged by the wrestlers protesting at Jantar Mantar. Several prominent wrestlers have been protesting at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar seeking action against Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh for alleged sexual harassment of players.
However, the wrestling protest took an interesting turn when Wrestling Federation Chief Brij Bhushan Singh identified himself as a woman and filed a counter FIR against the wrestlers. Reportedly, Brij Bhushan Singh in his complaint called himself a gender-fluid, who currently identifies himself as woman.
Upon asking how it happened all of a sudden, when there are allegations against you, Brij Bhushan Singh said “the concept of gender is complex and the definition of a biological man and a biological woman is not restricted to a person’s genitals.“
Brij Bhushan further added “Many women wrestlers look more masculine than men, does it make them men? similarly I may look like a man but I can be a woman, and wrestlers can harass me“.