Intelligence Busts Gujarati Group Secretly Conducting Garba In The Basement Of Their Society

Despite the low daily Covid case count, the Gujarat government is not taking chances, and has put strict restrictions on gatherings and garba. However, this is not enough to restrict Gujaratis from not doing Garba.
The Gujarat Zonal Unit of Intelligence has busted a big Gujarati Garba Group in silently conducting garba in the basement of their society. Intelligence has cracked down on more than 10 garba groups who are organising garba flouting covid norms.
A Source in Intelligence told The Fauxy, “These garba group members can’t control themselves in Navratri and start doing garba at any random sound. When we reached the basement, these defaulters were doing garba on Tonny Kakkar’s song. Just Imagine! All of them have been arrested and will be presented to court on Friday.