Global Politics

NASA To Build A Temple On Mars So That Water Can Be Found There

NASA To Build A Temple On Mars So That Water Can Be Found There
  • PublishedMarch 17, 2021

Scientists believe that Mars was home to lakes and oceans but have no clue where all the water went to transform the planet into the desolate rock we know today has been something of a mystery. Despite multiple attempts, the scientists have failed to find water on Mars. However, the recent news of particular community being desperate to find water in temples, NASA is once again hopeful of finding water on Mars.

We are optimistic, we are going to just build a temple there and we are sure that some people will go there to find water” told a NASA intern to The Fauxy.

Reportedly, 5 acre has been allotted by the United Nation for building temple and the construction work is likely to begin as early as January 2022. The total cost of the project is estimated as $1B which will be crowdfunded by the people who want the temple to be built in Mars. More details awaited.

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