Business Politics

Minority community vows to reproduce more as Raghuram Rajan claims India close to ‘Hindu rate of growth’

Minority community vows to reproduce more as Raghuram Rajan claims India close to ‘Hindu rate of growth’
  • PublishedApril 4, 2023

As a note of caution, former Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan has said that India is “dangerously close” to the Hindu rate of growth. Raghuram Rajan had earlier prayed… err..predicted recession for India multiple times since 2014, but India remained the bright spot in the global slowdown.

However, Raghuram Rajan’s recent statement of India being close to ‘Hindu rate of growth’ has made people of certain community worried. “India is becoming Hindu nation with Hindu rate of growth, if we don’t reproduce fast we will extinct” said a person from minority community. Upon told that Hindu rate of growth is an economic term, which means low Indian economic growth from the 1950s to the 1980s, the man said “I will accelerate the rate of my community growth too by having 12 children from each of my wives“.

Beating Hindu Rate of Growth

Speaking to The Fauxy, a minority community person said “If we produce one kid every nine month then in 30 years we will be able to beat the Hindu rate of growth. We don’t want to do it but we will do it for the constitution which is secular“.

Sources suggest that, BJP will hold multiple conferences as a part of its muslim outreach programme and will educate muslims about economic terms like ‘Hindu rate of growth’.

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