
Low On Content, Mahua Moitra Loudly Reads Out Parliament Canteen Menu As Her Speech In Lok Sabha

Low On Content, Mahua Moitra Loudly Reads Out Parliament Canteen Menu As Her Speech In Lok Sabha
  • PublishedFebruary 10, 2021

If you are low on content just speak random difficult words- this has been a strategy of TMC MP Mahua Moitra who is often lauded by main stream media for her aggressive speeches. However, if one observes carefully one can realise that she has absolutely no content in her speeches and she’s just loud.

Reportedly, trying to counter the govt in Rajya Sabha, Mahua Moitra when felt she’s low on content she picked up the parliament canteen menu card and started reading out loudly. Her speech was later applauded by Brut.

Soon after her speech went viral, Mahua Moitra speaking to The Fauxy said “Govt farmers protest farm laws Rajya Sabha Modi cowardly courage Amit Shah NRC China Border Covid” loudly.

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