ISIS Condemns The Kerala Story, calls it an attempt to undermine ISIS which has employed more women than shown

The makers of the controversial ‘The Kerala Story’ are yet again in controversy after ISIS expressed its disapproval of the data shown in the movie The Kerala Story. In its statement ISIS claimed that the stats shown in the movie are wrong and ISIS follows global bench mark in employing women, infact ISIS has employed more women than many MNCs like Amazon, Google, Apple etc.
ISIS also said that we have more than thousand cases unlike just four or five case that the Kerala Story makers claimed. The released its statement after the makers of the movie updated the description on YouTube and changed ‘32,000 women’ to ‘3 women’.
ISIS has urged Countries s to make the movie tax free in various countries to promote significant representation of women workforce in global Multi National Companies.
Boasting its work culture, ISIS claimed that despite world hit by recession, ISIS didn’t announce any major cutdown in its headcount.