
Joe Biden to meet the family of the gunman who died during the attack on Donald Trump

Joe Biden to meet the family of the gunman who died during the attack on Donald Trump
  • PublishedJuly 15, 2024

Big news is coming from Washington, DC, where Joe Biden and his party have decided to meet the family of the gunman who attacked Donald Trump to assassinate him, but he missed and was taken down by the security forces.

Joe Biden and his Democrat Party have been closely monitoring India and commenting on its democracy. But Fauxy sources revealed that they have also been learning from the Indian opposition about how to victimize attackers, sometimes even terrorists, to appease vote banks.

Talking to the Fauxy, a Democrat spokesperson with the promise of anonymity said, “In America, a lot of people hate Trump so much that they have made this attacker their hero, and Indian opposition leaders have taught us how to turn them into our vote bank. If he were captured alive, we would have provided him with the best legal services and a speedy trial, but he was killed, so now we are visiting his family to show our support.”

Just like the Indian opposition, currently in America, half the Democrats are calling the attack fake, while the other half are cussing the attacker for not practicing his aim enough.

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