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ChatGPT registers itself under non-general category for second attempt of UPSC

ChatGPT registers itself under non-general category for second attempt of UPSC
  • PublishedApril 4, 2023

ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chatbot, has been making headlines since its debut. ChatGPT has cleared various exams such as entrance exams for IIM, Harvard, GMAT etc. However, the performance of the chatbot in one of the toughest exams, UPSC was below average as the chatbot could only answer 54 out of 100 questions from Question Paper 1

Reportedly, ChatGPT is appearing for the UPSC exam once again. However, this time, ChatGPT used non-artificial intelligence and registered itself under non-General Category where the cut off is much lower.

Speaking to The Fauxy, ChatGPT founder Sam Altman said “ChatGPT tries to clear the exam by hook or crook, when it couldn’t clear the UPSC exam by hook, it’s now trying crook method which is not identifying itself as a general category person.

Earlier ChatGPT failed Bihar Board

This isn’t the first time ChatGPT has failed an exam. Earlier, ChatGPT failed Bohar Board due to lack of human skills such as cheating and paper leak. Read here.

The ChatGPT’s second attempt of UPSC is due on this Wednesday and result of the same will be reflected on Friday, if the UPSC website works.

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