Atishi buys two tickets for the Coldplay concert, to leave one seat empty for Arvind Kejriwal

Big news is coming from New Delhi, where after becoming the CM of Delhi but leaving Arvind Kejriwal’s CM chair empty and sitting on another smaller chair next to it. Atishi has now bought two tickets for Coldplay’s concert to leave one seat empty for Arvind Kejriwal.
Atishi is claiming that just like Bharat managed Ayodhya for Lord Rama in his absence, she will also manage Delhi for her lord. To make sure of it, she will leave the CM’s house empty and live in another bungalow next to it; Kejriwal’s empty car will go everywhere with her, and in every official document, there will be an empty place left for Arvind Kejriwal’s signature. But she has made an exception for the CM’s salary, which she will take in her own account.
Fauxy sources suggest that after “Kejriwal heard the news, he excitedly called Atishi, explaining that she doesn’t have to leave his seat empty as the Supreme Court has only restricted him from carrying official work and not from attending public events. However, Atishi refused, saying she would love to attend the concert with him as a party member but it would undermine the dignity of the Chief Minister’s position to be seen with someone accused of corruption”.
Currently, Atishi is booking two flight tickets to Mumbai to leave one seat empty for Kejriwal.