Entertainment Politics

Woman Injures Herself While Trying To Rip Her Jeans To Participate In – Ripped Jeans Trend

Woman Injures Herself While Trying To Rip Her Jeans To Participate In  – Ripped Jeans Trend
  • PublishedMarch 18, 2021

In a tragic incident a woman from Mumbai has been admitted to hospital after she severely injured herself while trying to rip her jeans.

Priyanka, a fashion blogger saw the trend #RippedJeans on social media and couldn’t resist to participate however, she realised that she doesn’t have a pair of ripped jeans and needs to get one to participate in the trend. She wore a normal pair of jeans and tried to make it ripped jeans by making a few cuts using razor blades and while doing so she accidentally made a deep cut her into the skin and started bleeding. She bled so much that she got unconscious and her parents took her to a nearby hospital.

Priyanka is currently stable and is under the supervision of doctors. Speaking to The Fauxy the Doctor said “This is stupidity if you really wanted to participate in the trend you could have ripped the jeans before wearing it. Why do women even wear ripped jeans and crop tops?”.

After listening to the doctor, Priyanka shouted “who the hell are you to tell women what to wear? I am gonna trend crop top too now”.

Doctor replied “please do but don’t crop the top after wearing it”.

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