
Woman Cleans Her Mirror First Time In 12 Years While Performing #WipeItDownChallenge

Woman Cleans Her Mirror First Time In 12 Years While Performing #WipeItDownChallenge
  • PublishedMay 28, 2020

The trending challenge on TikTok is the ‘Wipe It Down” challenge that has people grooving to a popular song while wiping a mirror and suddenly seeing a transformed version of themselves.

With over a million entries on the trend, some trends are breaking the internet via other social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter too. Among all these entries one of the most interesting is from Mumbai where a woman performed the challenge only to incite trouble for herself. Nimisha Singh upload the video on her Instagram account and her family realised that it’s the first time in 12 years she has wiped the mirror.

Reportedly, not whole family was aware of the fact that there’s a mirror, it was so much full with dust. See her work her mother-in-law has ashes her to clean all the window glasses and do dusting too.

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