WHO Condemns Russia For Invading Ukraine Without Mask

Condemning the Russian aggression against Ukraine in the strongest term, the WHO has asked Russia to immediately, completely, and unconditionally either withdraw all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine or provide its military mask.
Citing rising covid cases in western countries, WHO gave a strict warning to Russia a day later Russia attacked Ukraine. WHO through its twitter account conveyed the message. WHO also posted videos of Russian troops not following covid appropriate behaviour. WHO said that the Covid19 is yet to over and not following covid norms can pose serious health threat to the people of Ukraine.
Many NGOs has come forward after WHO’s statement and are now distributing free masks to Russian troops. WHO has also asked Russian military troops to sanitise the bullets which go inside the body of Ukrainians.
WHO has threatened Russia of various sanctions including unauthorisation of Sputnik vaccine if it fails to follow the Covid appropriate behaviour. Russia hasn’t responded to WHO but Russian troops were seen following social distancing upon capturing Ukraine’s capital Kyiv.