“Was Deliberately Rolling Weed In Front Of Camera To Attract More Bollywood Celebrities” says the JNU Student

Anti-CAA and JNU protests seem to have engulfed the entire country and have resulted in no productivity. Students across the country are now using the protest as an excuse to bunk classes. These students can often be seen in theatres, pubs and smoking outside the colleges. Some students want to be a part of the protests only to see Deepika and other Bollywood celebrities in real. However, recently a lady protester, an ardent fan of Anurag Kashyap, was seen outside the JNU campus rolling weed/tobacco right in front of the camera.
Although she didn’t notice the camera, after her video started doing rounds on social media she clarified that she was aware of the camera and was doing this deliberately to attract more Bollywood celebrities. Reporter of The Fauxy spoke to the protester
The Fauxy: You were rolling weed right in front of the camera and police?
Protester: Do I look that stupid?
The Fauxy: Yeah
Protester: Ok, maybe.. but I knew I am being recorded or going live but I have seen Karan Johar’s party where half of the Bollywood celebrities including Deepika were looking as they had snorted all kinda drugs. I was trying to attract them to the protest? It’s for a good cause.
Upon saying that she might get arrested the protester disappeared.
Details awaited.