UN renames corona to happiness to prevent its spreading
The World Health Organization has declared the worldwide outbreak of the new coronavirus a pandemic, with more than 118,000 cases in 114 countries and 4,291 deaths.
But the WHO has come out with a solution to stop the pandemic from spreading more. As per the reports from the fauxy, the UN has decided to rename the virus to Happiness, so that the spreading can be prevented.
As soon as the decision was taken, the world data shows a steady decline in number of Happiness cases, as was expected. In fact, many people are fighting corona more efficiently after it was named as Happiness.
Relatives are preventing happiness from spreading to students and other kids. Managers are preventing the spread of happiness among the employees. This way the disease will finally stop existing in a couple of days. The person who gave this Noble idea has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for new discovery. Norway is the only country where corona is spreading more after it was renamed, UN looking for a new solution for Norway.