Ukraine Soldier Claims To Have Killed Five Russian Soldiers With His Cardboard Gun

A photo of two Ukrainian men holding wooden replica guns sparked baseless claims on social media that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is staged. However, the truth has come out and a Ukrainian soldier has claimed that he has killed five Russian soldiers with his cardboard gun.
The Ukrainian soldier who wished to be anonymous said that his cardboard gun not only saved him from the bullets of the Russian soldier but he also killed these Russian soldiers. “I threw the cardboard gun at the Russian soldiers and it chopped their head” said the Ukrainian soldier while leaving for Poland.
“It’s a saviour and it doesn’t require license to carry a cardboard gun. We will get these cardboard guns to every Ukrainian” said the Defence Minister of Ukraine.
“We don’t want to kill the Russian soldiers we just want them to scare away and for that our cardboard gun is enough. We don’t war we want peace” said a soldier while shaping his cardboard gun.