The moment news breaks out, Food bloggers flood the restaurant eager to taste and review its new dish “Condom Samosa”

Big news is coming from Pune, where a restaurant served samosas filled with gutkha, stones, and even condoms to its customers. The moment this news broke out, food bloggers flooded the restaurant within an hour, eager to taste and review the new dish and post it on their channels at the earliest.
As Covid-19 ended, people were desperate to go out and eat. At that time, food bloggers of India came to the rescue and brought dishes like “Butter Chicken Ice Cream” and “Gulab Jamun Burger” to the common man, which were once only enjoyed by the elites. As their followers increased, they became more fierce in their search for unique and innovative dishes. So, when they heard of “Condom Samosas,” their mouths couldn’t stop watering at the thought of all the new followers they would gain.
Talking to The Fauxy, a food blogger said, “My review of ‘Chocolate Biryani’ got me to 200k new followers, and with the review of ‘Condom Samosas,’ I am hoping to cross 500k followers.” He also said, “Taste, hygiene, compatibility—these are all old standards of measuring food. In the new world of social media, the food with the most likes is the tastiest, because what’s the point of eating food if you can’t post about it and get likes?”
But just like every other good thing, the era of food blogging is also coming to an end as the government is preparing to control food blogging, just like they controlled finfluencers who only wanted to make every Indian a millionaire in the shortest time with their proven strategies, by bringing a new law. After this law, only people with FSSAI-licensed food bloggers will be able to continue their food blogging.