
South Bombay girl breaks up with boyfriend for not having all-weather AC after Mumbai temp drops to 22℃

South Bombay girl breaks up with boyfriend for not having all-weather AC after Mumbai temp drops to 22℃
  • PublishedDecember 30, 2019

This winter season the cold waves have engulfed the entire country and state like Maharashtra too is witnessing cold waves. The sudden change in the weather is creating a lot of disturbance in the lives of people, especially Mumbaikars who aren’t used to it. For some people’s lives, it is nothing short of havoc.

In an unfortunate incident, a south Bombay girl has broken up with her boyfriend as his boyfriend wasn’t prepared for the winter in Mumbai and didn’t have all-weather AC. Ritika, popular as Ritz in her friend circle told The Fauxy that she can’t live with a man who can’t afford all-weather AC and then asked her driver to bring out her Rolls Royce and went away.

Ritz’s boyfriend Aman belongs to a humble background and got the AC at a discounted price but couldn’t dare to tell Ritika to save their seven-month-long relationship that he did not have money for the latest technology AC.

Ritz is now seeing someone else, while Aman is waiting for Big Billion day to buy all-weather AC.

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