Small Sized Currency Notes Issued By Modi Government Lead To Improper Utilisation Of Wallets

A survey conducted across India is giving a tough time to the ruling party BJP and its Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi. To defend one of the major decisions in the past 5 years, i.e. demonetisationation, Modi Government introduced new currency notes which are much smaller in size compared to the one demonetised.
Apparel brands, who like everyone else, were not aware of Demonetisation, hence their manufacturing units were set to produce wallets as per the previous big sized notes, thus leading to a major portion of the wallet un-utilised. More than 90% of people who participated in the survey accepted that their wallets have much space left over now.
“Promoting digital wallets is adding to our woes. In more than 50% of the wallet space there’s nothing. What a waste! I purchased it at ₹1200 hence I request Modi government to either provide me with a small small-sized wallet or give me money to fill my wallet,” said one survey participant.