
People From Rajasthan Join Farmer Protest After Learning Water Cannons Being Used

People From Rajasthan Join Farmer Protest After Learning Water Cannons Being Used
  • PublishedNovember 30, 2020

Hundreds of farmers from Punjab and Haryana marched towards Delhi to register their protest against the new farm bill and the government of Haryana used water cannons against the protestors to stop them from crossing the barricades. However, the news of water cannons being used excited the people of Rajasthan who witness water scarcity all four seasons. Thousand of Rajashthan people marched towards the Haryana Delhi border with containers in their hands.

Speaking to The Fauxy one of the Rajasthani said “We aren’t against farm bill neither we support the farmers who are protesting, but wherever we see the water we go and save it.”

This is not the only incident, one of the Rajasthani engineering students has made the world’s longest pipe which can be used to import water from Mars once abundant water is found on mars.

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