
Nitin Gadkari Likely to Replace Nirmala Sitharaman as the New Finance Minister, After He Collected 8 Times the Highway Construction Cost in Toll Tax

Nitin Gadkari Likely to Replace Nirmala Sitharaman as the New Finance Minister, After He Collected 8 Times the Highway Construction Cost in Toll Tax
  • PublishedSeptember 7, 2024

Big news is coming from New Delhi, where Nitin Gadkari is likely to replace Nirmala Sitharaman as the Finance Minister of India. He proved himself to be the best match for the position by collecting 8 times the money in toll tax that it took to construct the highway in Rajasthan.

The crucial role of a Finance Minister of India is to squeeze as much money as you can from the middle class without having them turn against you, which Nirmala Sitharaman failed to do. At this point, even hardcore BJP supporters are sick of Nirmala Sitharaman, and she had to go.

Speaking to the Fauxy, Nirmala Sitharaman said, “I only tried to get a little from the middle class, and they all turned against me. While Nitin Gadkari has squeezed 8 times the cost as toll tax and still everybody loves him. He clearly deserves the position.”

Currently, Nitin Gadkari is working on a satellite system that will automatically deduct taxes from your account when you are in a good mood, so you wouldn’t feel bad about it, and he will be able to maintain his popularity.

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