Nirmala Sitharaman to introduce 15% Tax and 2.5% Cess on FIR filing, to discourage FIR against her in Electoral Bonds Scheme
Big news is coming from New Delhi, where Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is about to introduce a new tax law that will impose a 15% tax and a 2.5% cess on new FIR filings.
A man named Adarsh R. Iyer filed a complaint against Nirmala Sitharaman in court, alleging extortion through the Electoral Bond Scheme. As a result, the court ordered the police to file an FIR against her. To discourage the police from filing the FIR, she will impose a 15% tax and a 2.5% cess on FIRs. The law is already passed unanimously by all political parties, as new FIRs are frequently lodged against political leaders from various parties.
Speaking to The Fauxy, Sitharaman said, “People still underestimate my JNU brain. This law will either discourage anyone from filing an FIR, in which case I’ll walk scot-free, or they’ll file the FIR against me, and I’ll get their tax money. It’s a win-win for me.”
Currently, Nirmala Sitharaman is planning to impose a tax on going to court, as she believes people these days go to court more often than they go to work, wasting time that could have been spent earning more money to pay more taxes to her.