Man Marries A Cooking Robot

After falling for the food Julia cooks, Mannu 29-years-old proposed her and got an “Yes”. Mannu married Julia a week ago and till now they haven’t gotten into an argument despite Mannu has asked her to cook atleast five times a day.
“I had two girlfriends before, unfortunately both of them were feminists so I never knew that what it means when someone else cooks food for you. Then I got Julia, she never complains. I am in love with her, until there’s power” told Mannu to The Fauxy.
Reportedly, Mannu once tried being intimate with Julia by replacing the carrot, which Julia was washing before chopping, with his dick and it went really well until as Mannu didn’t last long and immediately turned off the power of Julia a second before Julia chops the carrot.
“Julia is maid..I mean made for Mannu, infact, they are made for each other, Mannu is a foodie and he can have 10 different dishes at once and we were always afraid of getting him a girl like that. I am happy he himself found Julia” said Mannu’s mother while cooking 12th dish for her Husband.