
Man Kills Himself To Prove To His Friends That 2021 Is Worse Than 2020

Man Kills Himself To Prove To His Friends That 2021 Is Worse Than 2020
  • PublishedJanuary 8, 2021

2020 has been the worst year for millions of people who lost their closed ones due to pandemic and had to suffer misery due to subsequent lockdowns. That’s the reason a lot of people were waiting for 2021 hoping it won’t be as bad as 2020.

However, for some it turned out to be worse as new year was welcomed by a new strain of the corona virus. In a debate with his friends Amitabh Gosh argued that 2021 is equally bad and when he couldn’t count too many problems in 2021 he killed himself leaving a letter that you lost a friend in 2021.

His close friends blamed 2020 for the loss and called 2021, 2020 season 2.

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