
Inspired By Greta Thunberg, 20 Girls In India Quit School To Do Absolutely Nothing

Inspired By Greta Thunberg, 20 Girls In India Quit School To Do Absolutely Nothing
  • PublishedFebruary 7, 2021

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg is once again in news for a conspiracy to defame India. In a reply to her own tweet, Greta Thunberg mistakenly uploaded a toolkit about farmers protest exposing a bigger conspiracy. Study suggest that Greta Thunberg has done fucking nothing to help environment but has made quitting school a trend among young students.

Reportedly, 20 girls from a district in Chhattisgarh have quit their school after getting inspired by Greta Thunberg. Speaking to The Fauxy, the 20 girls said “we got inspired by Greta Thunberg and decided to quit the school, however, after realising that she does nothing we also have decided to do nothing and enjoy the media limelight”.

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