
Green Tea Manufacturer Confused After Its Consumer Actually loses Weight

Green Tea Manufacturer Confused After Its Consumer Actually loses Weight
  • PublishedJanuary 12, 2020

Green Tea Can Help You Lose weight, Especially Harmful Abdominal Fat this is what the Green Tea manufacturers claim. When it comes to actual pounds lost, the effects of green tea are yet to be witnessed. But most of the time the difference is negligible and many found no difference even after using a vernier calliper. Shwetank Malik had the same confidence while buying green tea some days back.

Shwetank is a skinny guy and he was sure using green tea will not reduce his weight further. He had seen many of his friends who were regular green tea drinkers not losing weight for the last many years. But what happened was magical, in fact, shocking. Shwetank reduced about 2 Kg in one week after drinking the green tea regularly.

Though he was not sure whether it was because of the tea, he saw on the packaging that green tea does reduce weight. And hence he sued the green tea manufacturer for reducing his weight further. Green Tea manufacture was totally shocked and told The FauxyLose weight by drinking green tea is just a market gimmick and the only way you can lose weight by green tea is if you yourself climb up the mountain and pick the green tea leaves“.

Shwetank has not come out of his house for the last week as he is too embarrassed to face people with his skinny body. He has promised himself that he will never use green tea and will sip on his regular cup of tea from now onwards.

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