Government Of India To Use Greta Thunberg’s Face To Create Awareness About The Importance Of Girl Child Education

Hollywood celebrities actors and singers have come in support of farm protest to create a global impact, however before the campaign could get bigger, Greta Thunberg mistakenly exposed the whole conspiracy. Greta Thunberg tweeted a tool kit about, a google document, to help people talk more about farmers protest, but deleted the same tweet after realising that she has mistakenly posted a document which was a plan to create unrest during 26th Jan, Republic Day.
Greta Thunberg, one man army, has flopped the whole plan of opposition and global left liberals. Reportedly, the govt of India has decided to use Greta Thunberg’s face in creating awareness among girl children to not drop out from school and complete the schooling. Details on the campaign is awaited.