
Entire Mumbai To Be Excavated To Find Out Better Roads And Drainage System From The Harappa Civilisation

Entire Mumbai To Be Excavated To Find Out Better Roads And Drainage System From The Harappa Civilisation
  • PublishedMay 23, 2021

With Mumbai city witnessing heavy rains along with gusty winds, waterlogging took place at several places in the city. Various parts of the city recorded moderate rains leading to water logging at several locations.

To overcome the water logging issue and poor drainage system, BMC is taking a step for once and all. Reportedly, BMC is undertaking excavation in entire city.

Speaking to The Fauxy, BMC chairman said “Yes, we have decided to excavate the entire city and I am hopeful we will be able to find out a city from Harappa civilisation that had better drainage system, however, we have plan B too. In case we don’t find it we will construct the entire city from the scratch”.

There’s no clarity as from when the excavation will begin, however, Mumbaikars are not very troubled with the idea since any point of time one or the other area of Mumbai is under excavation anyway.

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