Electrical Engineer Working In IT Company Found Changing Light Bulb Randomly To Remind Himself That He Is Electrical Engineer

India produces the number of engineers every year which is greater than the population of many European countries. But the main problem is that there are limited jobs. And almost every engineer ends up working in an IT company.
IT companies have reduced the criteria of selection so much that almost anyone can get into the IT sector. But there are people who still remind themselves of their original stream and take happiness out of it.
A mechanical engineer in Mumbai named Jagdish Jain did something similar. Jagdish works at TCS and he was seen changing electric bulbs in his office. It was not as if the bulbs were not working. He was simply changing the bulbs without any reason. And to his credit, he brought the new bulbs with his own money. But most of the bulbs which he replaced have stopped working which shows that his knowledge about bulbs is not too authentic, although he is an electric engineer.
When his HR warned him that he will be removed from the company if he continues doing the same, many thought that he would quit the job and go into a company which offers him job suiting his skills. But Jagdish went quietly into his cubicle and started coding.