Doctor drills hole in man’s chin and closes his nostrils as he always tucked mask under the chin

It’s our new normal: People should be wearing face masks in public whenever possible, especially in moments where social distancing is not possible. But people still ignore the rules and many are seen wearing masks under their chin. A doctor in Mumbai has found a great solution to tackle this problem once and for all. Aman Srivastava a COVID doctor in Mumbai drilled two holes in a patient’s chin when he complained of Covid symptoms. Actually the person was wearing mask under his chin and was not keeping himself safe. Aman covered his nostrils with plaster and hence he cannot emit the virus out of the nostrils. Many doctors in India have appreciated Aman’s efforts and want a Nobel Prize for him. There is a signature campaign on social media for the same. Any family member of a person who wears mask under the chin can contact Mr Aman Srivastava.