Cop dies laughing on memes in the accused’s phone while downloading crime-related chats

Cops are also not untouched with the viral memes doing rounds on various social media platforms. And cops are now using meme templates to effectively communicate their points to youth. There are instances where a criminal can indulge the cops in some memes and can run away from the crime spot. The fauxy has learnt that yesterday a Cop laughed so hard at a meme in one of the accused’s phone while he was reading the chats that he died on the spot. Police is investigating the meme and will file criminal charges against the person who made such a funny memes. Memes can be dangerous for life and the Cops want to propagate this message everywhere. Meme makers have to be extra careful now and should make memes which are average and not too funny as that can kill a person. Every meme should also come with a statutory warning.