
Climate Activist, Greta Thunberg Blames Global Warming For Her Own Melt Down

Climate Activist, Greta Thunberg Blames Global Warming For Her Own Melt Down
  • PublishedFebruary 4, 2021

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg suffered a massive melt down after she mistakenly shared a toolkit document on her Twitter handle exposing a sinister conspiracy to defame India on the international stage. She deleted the tweet from her Twitter handle but it was too late.

A huge outrage was seen after Greta’s tweet and Greta Thunberg went all silent until morning when she shared an updated toolkit, making herself appear even a bigger fool.

Upon asking about the meltdown the entire liberal gang including Greta suffered, Greta blamed global warming for this meltdown. Greta blamed Trump for not signing Paris climate agreement and India’s Modi for existing. Greta, while having beef burger, said that over use of plastic is a leading cause of all the meltdown across the globe.

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