In a pathbreaking decision the Supreme Court, on Thursday, ruled that all women, irrespective of their marital status, are entitled to safe and legal abortions in India. Overturning the decision of the Delhi High Court to refuse relief to an unmarried woman seeking an abortion
The Supreme Court’s decision has put India ahead of western countries especially the United States in terms of respect and dignity of a woman.
The US Supreme Court’s 24 June decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the court’s own landmark 1973 decision that enshrined the constitutional right to abortion for nearly 50 years, was severely criticised. By striking down Roe, the court put abortion rights in the hands of US state legislators.
However, there’s a big relief to women in the United States who wish to lawfully abort. Modi led Indian government in a remarkable decision has announced to include these women in CAA.
Now, the women in United States who were denied right to abort their unborn scan come to India for abortion.
The United States President Joe Biden called India’s step an intervention in Country’s internal matter. Answering the President Joe Biden’s statement, India’s EAM Jaishankar said that these unborn children are like Kashmir and only the women carrying them have a right on them, until they are born.