Black Lives Matter Protesters Ask Scientists And Researchers Not To Develop Medicine To Kill Black Fungus

Mucormycosis, black fungus a serious fungal infection but otherwise rare, has been observed in a number of Covid-19 patients recently. While there is no major outbreak, the national Covid task force has issued an advisory. Scientists and researchers are working on finding the cure of the same at the earliest. However, a group of people including some organisations are against the medicine to kill black fungus.
Reportedly, Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters have raised issue against killing the black fungus. “You can kill mucormycosis but not black fungus. Black fungus can’t be killed just because it’s black we won’t let oppression against black continue anymore.” said one of the BLM protesters.
BLM protesters have asked WHO to rename the Black fungus to some other colour fungus if they want to treat it or just deal with it.