
Pakistani Man Breaks The World Record By Jumping From 8000 Meters Without A Parachute. Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow

Pakistani Man Breaks The World Record By Jumping From 8000 Meters Without A Parachute. Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow
  • PublishedJune 1, 2021

Pakistanis across the globe were happy and sad at the same moment when a Pakistani broke the world record of skydiving without a parachute when he jumped from 8000 mtr without a parachute and without any safety-net. Instead of doing it privately and sharing the footage of the stunt later on, he decided to do it live on youtube and made everyone watch him get buried on the earth.

Family has told the relatives that the funeral will be held tomorrow and he will always be remembered as the man who wanted to fly high but fell flat on his face.

“He lived and died at the same moment” said the instructor who reportedly forgot to attach the parachute.

The place where he fell on the earth is in a remote location in Pakistan and it has been announced that the place will be converted into a museum.

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