
After Failing To Convince People That Depression Is A Hoax, Man Himself Goes Into Depression

After Failing To Convince People That Depression Is A Hoax, Man  Himself Goes Into Depression
  • PublishedFebruary 26, 2021

These are just words they don’t mean anything don’t use these random words to hide your in capabilities” were the words of Elson while telling people about depression. Upon realising that as many as 3 million people are under depression in the country, Elson started a nationwide awareness campaign to tell that Depression and Mental health is a hoax used by elites to hide their in capabilities.

However, things didn’t go as per his plan and after he failed to convince even 200 people in first month against the target of 1 million, Elson got unwell and his sleep got affected badly. After not being able to sleep for three consecutive days, he visited a doctor who referred him to a psychiatrist. Elson was shocked to learn that there is a dedicated branch of medicine for depression and mental health and an whole damn business going on. Psychiatrist told Elson that he’s depressed.

Elson is currently under medication and will be back on his mission of convincing people that depression is a hoax” told Elson’s manager to The Fauxy.

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