
Radio Mirchi RJ Who Had Entered Men’s Toilet Accuses Men Of Being Naked And Outraging Her Modesty

Radio Mirchi RJ Who Had Entered Men’s Toilet Accuses Men Of Being Naked And Outraging Her Modesty
  • PublishedFebruary 16, 2021
In a shocking piece of news, an RJ from Radio Mirchi has accused 14 men of getting naked in front of her after she entered a men’s toilet to do a video shoot.
The RJ went to men’s toilet with a handycam in order to find out what men do in toilet that makes the toilet so unclean and unhygienic. Upon reaching the toilet she was shocked to see that all the men were almost naked with some of them flashing their dicks. Felling disgust, the RJ ran to a nearby police station and filed an FIR. 
In her FIR the RJ accused men of being shamelessly naked in front of her. After her FIR, the police conducted a raid and arrested 22 potential rapists. 
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