
Inspiring : Poor Farmer Sells His Two XUVs To Buy Tractor For Tractor Rally On Republic Day

Inspiring : Poor Farmer Sells His Two XUVs To Buy Tractor For Tractor Rally On Republic Day
  • PublishedJanuary 25, 2021

An inspiring story of a poor farmer has flooded the social media. Reportedly, a poor farmer of Punjab has sold his two newly bought XUVs to buy a new tractor to join the tractor rally, which is scheduled for 26th January, I.e Republic Day parade.

Jasmit Singh, aka Jattu told The Fauxy “This is to join the tractor rally against the Modi govt and three farm laws. I don’t know what the three farm laws are but then I don’t know Newton three laws either yet they work upon me. I can’t escape them, no one can.”

In another tractor story, two girls whom Sonu Sood has gifted tractor for agriculture have successfully paid third EMI to Sonu Sood.

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