Engineer invents a machine that will do coronavirus test for Kanika Kapoor every 30 seconds

Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor was found positive for coronavirus few days back after she returned from London and attended a party with 100 renowned politicians and businessmen.
After she was identified, she was taken to an Isolation centre and has been put in quarantine. However Isolation Centre staff is quite upset with Kanika Kapoor as she has been tested a total number of 5 times within a span of few days which led to the wastage of COVID-19 Test kits.
According to The Fauxy reporter, Kanika Kapoor wants to test herself very frequently because she said she ‘can’t live in these stupid quarantine centres’. She wanted a dedicated resource from the government just for her tests.
After this a Delhi based engineer has invented a machine that will automatically take sample of Kanika Kapoor blood every 30 seconds and do a coronavirus test for the same.