ISRO Launches Mission to Find Water in Bengaluru

In a desperate bid to tackle Bengaluru’s escalating water crisis, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has announced an unprecedented mission to search for water sources in the city.
With Bengaluru residents already feeling the heat of water scarcity even before the onset of summer, an engineer has developed a smartphone app to help citizens locate the nearest water source.
While the gated societies across the city have resorted to putting up posters declaring ‘No Water’ in a desperate attempt to inform residents. However, the Congress government has condemned the move, insisting that such posters should only be displayed in Kannada to maintain cultural integrity.
In a bid to find a solution, students from the prestigious Indian Institute of Management Bengaluru (IIMB) have pledged to resume their research on the city’s underground water levels – once they themselves have water to drink.
As Bengaluru’s water crisis deepens, the city’s residents can only hope that ISRO’s mission yields positive results and that they won’t have to resort to interplanetary water deliveries anytime soon.