Muscles are made in the kitchen, not the gym! The underlying theory, for those who haven’t heard this before, is that what you eat is more important than how much you exercise if you want to see defined abdominal muscles. However, this mantra meant something for a gym freak who then shifted all his gym equipments, dumbells, bench, weight plates etc to kitchen.
Arun Gill, who trains his body 14 hours a day and never trained his mind, was upset with his body not expanding despite him injecting all the medicines and syringe possible in his body. While searching gym tips on the internet, Arun Gill came across the famous quote “body is built in kitchen not in gym“. Arun Gill had a moment of enlightenment and after discussing with his trainer, he posted on Instagram “Damn! I have been wrong all this while“.
Arun Gill was making news during peak covid wave too when he heard that Corona Virus has protein spikes and he got himself infected with Covid. Read here.
Arun Gill now does his weight training in kitchen and his mother cooks food in balcony, the new kitchen. Speaking to The Fauxy, Traun Gill trainer said “Finally he learned what I wanted, he has shifted his gym equipment to kitchen, I am sure now he will win the body building championship“