Introvert Identifies Himself As Covid Positive To Continue Work From Home

With the increase in coronavirus cases, most of the companies had switched over to work from home mode. However, as the COVID cases have now significantly declined and most of the economic activities have opened, major companies are now calling their employees back to office. However, a majority of employees prefer work from home now. and are doing things to ensure that their work from home continues.
An introvert employee who identifies himself as Covid positive says that people often afraid to come in contact with him and he is loving it.
Adi, 27, from Pune, identifies as a Covid positive and regards himself as unwell. He has declared that he’s infected with Omicron variant is asymptomatic. He revealed to his boss that he had legally changed his Arogya Setu status from Safe to Covid positive. His boss has asked him to continue work from home until he fully recovers.
He confirms that sometimes coughing and sneezing like crazy is needed to make people around him believe that he is Covid positive. Speaking to The Fauxy, Adi said “Life became heaven during work from home I didn’t have to meet or greet people, I never showed my face to anyone and it’s now impossible for me to go back to the hell (work from office)”.