World Health Day: Woke People Ask WHO to Remove Obesity from Disease Section

7th April marks World Health Day, organised by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to raise awareness of pressing health issues around the globe. Theme for this year’s World Health Day is Being Fat.
Woke people are celebrating the World Health Day by asking the WHO to remove the obesity from disease section. Wokes hit the New York city streets with their placards and banner asking WHO to not identify obesity as a disease and it’s okay to be fat. “Fat is Fit” reads one of the placards.
A man tried to counter the protesters by saying that being fat is unhealthy, the protesters called him ‘Fatphobic’ and thrashed him.
Being obese is one’s personal choice and by declaring an obese person sick, the WHO and Doctors are infringing once freedom by not allowing them to live the way they want. An online petition to cancel the obesity has also been raised which is so far has been signed by over a million people.