Woman humanoid developed by the ISRO, Vyomitra’s first words are “All Men Are Trash”

ISRO unveiled its first ‘woman’ astronaut to an international gathering here on Wednesday. Seated at a desk in a uniform and sporting her name on a custom-made ISRO identity badge, Vyomitra created a sensation as the first words she uttered were “All men are thrash”.
The chairman was stunned with her first words. The fauxy has come to know from sources that the robot has been programmed by a feminist and lots of money and time has gone into her making.
It will be difficult to now change her behavior as all her parts have been programmed to believe that ‘All men are thrash’. Vyommitra was also shown a movie and throughout the movie she was just saying one thing ‘Why are the female actors not given more dialouges?’ She also hit the fellow movie watchers who were clapping on every dialogue uttered by the leading men.
Vyomitra will definitely take the first mission very seriously as it will establish her as the first talking robot, but ISRO needs to create more robots in future which are not biased towards a gender.