Woman files for divorce after husband said ‘you look very good in mask’

There are many reasons for divorce to happen. But the lockdown has brought some more new reasons. Recently a woman divorced her husband in Mumbai after he complimented her look in the mask. The fauxy has understood that Aman was always habituated of complimenting his wife whenever she asked how she looked. But this time it was a trick question as mask covers most of the face and the wife wanted to know if Aman really means when he compliments her. When Aman said that ‘she looks good in the mask’, she understood that Aman doesn’t like her face. And that was it. All these years of complimenting went for a toss and Aman had to get divorced from his wife. This is very reason that many mask makers are making transparent masks so that the face is completely visible and no one falls under this trap of trick question from wife.