
UP Police drags a man from Lahore for shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogan

UP Police drags a man from Lahore for shouting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogan
  • PublishedDecember 30, 2019

A senior police officer from the sensitive town of Meerut, where five died on December 20 during protests against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act, has been caught on video asking protesters to leave India and “go to Pakistan“.
But the UP police did not stop at that as they went beyond the border to bring a man here who was chanting ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans in Lahore.

UP Police has decided to target every person who shouts ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ and the will not tolerate it at any cost. Amit Shah had to personally call up UP police personnel to tell them that they cannot bring a Pakistani national in India. But the UP police will not listen to anyone.

In fact, the police wants to have an onsite location in Lahore and other cities of Pakistan so that they can trace and capture people who shout the ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ slogans. News sources say that the number of people shouting the slogan has reduced in Pakistan after UP Police’s action.

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