Universities to Allow Hijab and Burqa in Bhagavad Gita Classes

Shortly after the Karnataka High Court on Tuesday announced the state government order on restrictions on wearing of hijabs in schools and colleges won’t be cancelled, Gujarat government announced the inclusion of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita in the school syllabus for Classes 6-12.
Gujarat Schools and Universities have said that everyone will be allowed in Bhagwad Gita classes even the ones who wish to wear Hijab/Burqa in classes.
“Burqa isn’t an essential religious practice of Islam, neither is reading Bhagavad Gita, but it’s advisable to read and understand Gita for people of every religion, hence we aren’t putting condition on any student” said a Government official.
However, some students are now demanding that Quran and Bible Sahib should also be taught in schools. Zaheer Tanwir, a Supreme Court lawyer, tweeted that we will approach the Supreme Court to ensure books of all religions become a part of the school syllabus.