
UN nominates Pakistan for Noble Peace Prize as no terrorist attack reported in the world in last three days.

UN nominates Pakistan for Noble Peace Prize as no terrorist attack reported in the world in last three days.
  • PublishedFebruary 10, 2020

There has been no terrorist attack reported in the last 3 days in the world. And as a prize for the same, the UN has recommended Nobel Prize for Pakistan.

Pakistan PM Imran Khan will soon receive the prize from the UN in a special ceremony which is different from the normal prizes. The UN was so impressed with Pakistan’s behavior in the last three days that it called a special meet of the jury to give the award.

The fauxy reporters have found that terrorist Hafiz Saeed is on a sick leave and hence Pakistan has not been able to pan or execute any attacks in the past three days. So this award is by chance rather than a worked out strategy.

Pakistan’s reputation will take a beating in the Islamic countries as this type of prizes are not meant for them, but in the current economic scenario of Pakistan, Imran Khan would take any ward that comes his way so that he can show the award and ask for money from the developed nations.

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