
Trump Kills The Octopus Which Had Predicted His Victory In #USElections

Trump Kills The Octopus Which Had Predicted His Victory In #USElections
  • PublishedNovember 5, 2020

After counting of votes getting over in key swing states, Joe Biden, Presidential candidate of Democratic Party nears the majority mark of 270, defeating the incumbent President Donald Trump. Trump who was sure of his victory was seen furious seeing the vote tally. Donald Trump has reportedly knocked the US apex court saying he can’t lose as his victory was predicted by an octopus. However, after the apex court dismissed his appeal calling it ridiculous Trump was seen twisting the neck of Octopus almost killing him. Trump said, “It’s still his government and he can’t allow fake news, Octopus was fake news and he must be finished”.

PETA has issued a warning to Donald Trump for killing the endangered species.

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